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V1.9.0Updated Production URL to
Support 1-leg orders
Change RFQ timeout from 1min -> 30min
WS/HTTP Positions queries no longer require trade permission
Renamed side field from buy/sell -> long/short in ws/http positions response
Increased timestamp precision from second -> nanosecond in ws/http positions and balances responses
Varius bug fixes
Removed unnecessary timestamp from new_order request.
Added cancel order request
Added cancel all orders request
Deprecated DEL /v1/api/all_orders
Added DEL /v1/api/allOrders
Deprecated GET /v1/api/balance
Added GET /v1/api/balances
Deprecated GET /v1/api/positionInfo
Added GET /v1/api/positions
Added mark_price to positions response
Added reserved_balance to balances response
Removed unnecessary user_tag from exchangeInfo
Removed unnecessary timestamp from get order, refresh interest requests
V1.8.2Updated Production URL and port
V1.8.2Add Access IP addresses and Port numbers
V1.8.1Added comments about JWT & expiration time and reuse
Added clarification on float number representation
Add minimum_quantity for Add Order multi leg examples
Add recv_window for multi leg examples
Make timestamps consistently epoch usecs
V1.8.0Added RFQ support, abbreviations, timestamp removal
V1.6.0Added position msg request/response for REST and WS
V0.9.0Initial release