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Order and RFQ Placement

POST /v1/api/order

This endpoint can be used to submit a new order to the exchange

New Order

Message sent to submit a new order to the exchange.

A new order request is identified by a symbol name or a tradeable_entity_id which can be found in the Entities and Rules API.


Don't forget that all fields are sent as string, including prices, quantities, ratios and other non text values

Order Types and Time To Live

  • Order type is set with the type value and can be LIMIT or MARKET.

  • Time To Live for the order is set with the recv_window value. recv_window represents the number of 10 minutes exchange cycles to keep the order alive for.

  • For MARKET orders, the time in force must be set to IOC (Immediate Or Cancel) and the price and recv_window fields must not be present.

  • For GTC (Good-Til-Cancelled) orders, the recv_window needs to be specified (number of 10 minutes exchange cycles to keep the order alive for).

  • If IOC (Immediate Or Cancel) is specified for LIMIT orders, any recv_window value is ignored.

Example and exchange cycle explanation:

"recv_window": "6" corresponds to:

time left in the current cycle + 5 × 10 minutes cycles

= 50 minutes + up to 10 minutes

= in between 50 minutes and an hour depending on where we are in the cycle when the order request is sent.

Multiple legs

  • The same API is used to submit single and multi leg orders.

  • To create a multi leg order a legs object must be present in the message that defines the individual legs in terms of Tradeable Entity Id or Symbol and ratios.

  • For multi leg orders the legs object must contain in between 2 and 10 legs.

  • If a legs object with only 1 leg is entered it will be treated as a single order. This allows the same message construction to be used for single and multi leg orders.

  • For a multi leg object the individual top level tradeable_entity_id and symbol fields must not be present.


When constructing the legs:

  • The entries must be in ascending tradeable_entity_id order
  • Each tradeable entity must not appear more than once
  • The greatest common divisor of the absolute values of the leg ratios is one
  • The ratio of the first leg must always be positive

This allows the exchange to uniquely identify multi leg orders.

RFQs and Firm orders

  • To send a RFQ for a single or multi leg order, the market_id must be set to none

  • To send a firm (normal) order the market_id must be set to 0

An indicative multi leg order will time out after a system defined time, typically 30 minutes. To prevent this, the client must periodically submit a refresh_interest message within the timeout period for as long as they require the indicative order to remain active.


Header FieldTypeComments
credentials_secretJWTCreated by user for validation

Request Body

symbolstringInstrument name e.g BTC-USD
tradeable_entity_idintegerTradeable Entity Id
market_idstring"0" for firm order / "none" for RFQ
sidestringbuy / sell
typestringLIMIT / MARKET
time_in_forcestringGTC / IOC
quantityfloat"0.1" / "0.000123" / "0.0" / "1.3456"
minimum_quantityfloat"0.0" / "1.0" (Only for multi leg orders)
pricefloat"12.0" / "1.1245" / "0.000100"
client_order_idstringUnique Order Id generated by the client
recv_windowintegerInteger in between 1 and 65534
legsLeg[]Optional, 1 and up to 10 legs defining a multi leg order
user_tagstringClient defined tag used to identify the request

Leg Object

tradeable_entity_idnumberTradeable Entity Id (omit if symbol is present)
symbolstringSymbol (omit if tradeable_entity_id is present)


Single Leg Spot Firm Order

"new_order": {
"market_id": "0",
"side": "buy",
"quantity": "1",
"type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "GTC",
"client_order_id": "unique_client_order_id",
"price": "10000",
"recv_window": "1",
"symbol": "BTC-USD",
"user_tag": "unique_request_id"

Single Leg Option RFQ

"new_order": {
"market_id": "none",
"side": "buy",
"quantity": "5",
"type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "GTC",
"client_order_id": "unique_client_order_id",
"recv_window": "1",
"symbol": "ETH-20221223-2400C",
"user_tag": "unique_request_id"

Firm Multi Leg Order

"new_order": {
"market_id": "0",
"side": "buy",
"quantity": "1",
"type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "GTC",
"client_order_id": "unique_client_order_id",
"price": "10000",
"recv_window": "1",
"legs": [
{ "ratio": "1", "sym": "ETH-20221223-1600P" },
{ "ratio": "-1", "sym": "ETH-20221223-1800C" },
{ "ratio": "-1", "sym": "ETH-20221223-1800P" }
"user_tag": "unique_request_id"

Multi Leg RFQ

"new_order": {
"market_id": "none",
"side": "buy",
"quantity": "25",
"type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "GTC",
"client_order_id": "unique_client_order_id",
"recv_window": "1",
"legs": [
{ "ratio": "1", "sym": "ETH-20221223-1350P" },
{ "ratio": "-5", "sym": "ETH-20221223-1600P" },
{ "ratio": "2", "sym": "ETH-20221223-2000C" }
"user_tag": "unique_request_id"

Order Accepted

If the order is accepted, the following message is sent back.

Order Accepted Message

utc_timestampintegerserver UTC time in μs
market_idstring"0" for firm order / "none" for RFQ
tradeable_entity_idintegerTradeable Entity Id
symbolstringInstrument name e.g BTC-USD
order_idintegerExchange order id
typestringLIMIT / MARKET
client_order_idstringUnique Order Id generated by the client
legsLeg arraycf below


tradeable_entity_idnumberTradeable Entity Id
symbolstringInstrument name e.g BTC-USD


Single Leg Order Accepted

"order_accepted": {
"utc_timestamp": "1670156592236702",
"market_id": "0",
"tradeable_entity_id": "13",
"symbol": "BTC-USD-PERPETUAL",
"type": "LIMIT",
"order_id": "9512137",
"client_order_id": "unique_client_order_id",
"quantity": "1.0",
"price": "10000.0"

Multi Leg RFQ Accepted

"order_accepted": {
"utc_timestamp": "1670156351624071",
"market_id": "none",
"tradeable_entity_id": "",
"symbol": "ETH-20221223-1600P@1/ETH-20221223-1800P@-10/ETH-20221223-2200C@4",
"type": "LIMIT",
"client_order_id": "unique_client_order_id",
"quantity": "10.0",
"minimum_quantity": "0.0",
"ioi_cache_timeout": "1800",
"legs": [
"tradeable_entity_id": "4816",
"symbol": "ETH-20221223-1600P",
"ratio": "1"
"tradeable_entity_id": "4818",
"symbol": "ETH-20221223-1800P",
"ratio": "-10"
"tradeable_entity_id": "4821",
"symbol": "ETH-20221223-2200C",
"ratio": "4"

Order Rejected

If the order is rejected, the following message is sent back.

Order Rejected Message

utc_timestampintegerserver UTC time in μs
market_idstring"0" for firm order / "none" for RFQ
tradeable_entity_idintegerTradeable Entity Id
symbolstringInstrument name e.g BTC-USD
typestringLIMIT / MARKET
client_order_idstringUnique Order Id generated by the client
legsLeg arraycf below


tradeable_entity_idnumberTradeable Entity Id
symbolstringInstrument name e.g BTC-USD


Single Future Leg Order with invalid price

"order_rejected": {
"utc_timestamp": "1670225940556544",
"market_id": "0",
"tradeable_entity_id": "4826",
"symbol": "ETH-20221216",
"type": "LIMIT",
"client_order_id": "unique_client_order_id",
"quantity": "0.99",
"price": "0.0",
"reason": "price_less_than_minimum_price"

Multi Leg Order with invalid legs

"order_rejected": {
"utc_timestamp": "1670225002636914",
"market_id": "0",
"type": "LIMIT",
"client_order_id": "unique_client_order_id",
"quantity": "1.0",
"minimum_quantity": "0.0",
"price": "10000.0",
"reason": "invalid_legs",
"legs": [
"tradeable_entity_id": "4807",
"symbol": "ETH-20221223-1300C",
"ratio": "-1"
"tradeable_entity_id": "4810",
"symbol": "ETH-20221223-1350P",
"ratio": "1"

Order Executed

Execution messages are only sent through the WebSocket connection